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Top 3 Questions to Ask to Select the Right Turbine Flowmeter

So, you've identified you need to buy a turbine flowmeter. Whether to understand or monitor a process, you've concluded that you may need a flowmeter. However, the real question is - How do you select a turbine flowmeter that is right for you? Well, it is not as simple to answer. There are many types of turbine flowmeters available today in the market. Choosing the one that suffices your business requirements is key.

To help you figure out this question, we have listed three questions that you should ask before choosing a turbine flowmeter. So, let's get to it without further ado.

What Are You Measuring? 

To identify the type of flowmeter you need, you first need to know its application. Understanding the fluid state, you wish to measure with aturbine flowmeter is crucial. So, ask yourself whether you want to measure gas, vacuum or liquid since you cannot measure gases with a liquid meter and vice versa. Once you know what you want to measure, choosing a meter gets easy.

Read Also: Helical Turbine Flowmeter: How it Works And Benefits

What Is the Viscosity of the Liquid?

One of the primary parameters to consider when selecting a meter is the fluid's viscosity. How thick is the fluid? Since you have to measure the fluid, you need to know its properties and whether the meter you choose can measure it. You also need to know the measurement of resistance to flow. The fluid's internal friction is the amount of friction the molecules create as they flow over each other. You need to know this parameter as it will show you how well a fluid is mixed.

What Is the Maximum Flow Rate?

This parameter is also extremely important as above-mentioned parameters as it helps to choose the right meter size. If the flow is high, you may want to purchase a rather bigger meter. While if the flow rate is less, a small meter will do. So ensure you check the flow rate of the fluid and then purchase the meter.

Conclusion: Hopefully, the article helped you understand what you need to ask before purchasing a turbine meter. While the article gives you a glimpse of what you should consider before buying a flowmeter, contact Oil and Gas Systems International to know more about flowmeters.They will help you know about turbine meters and provide affordable options that align with your business requirements.